Bell, Book and Claw

Book 1 of 3

Join the quest!

A young mage with powers no one can explain or control.

An orphaned entrepreneur whose destiny was written in the stars.

A novitiate healer fighting for the love forbidden by her Goddess.

A hidden Duaar heir fraught by powers he’d long sought to forget while hiding from the life others have chosen for him.

Young adventurers Vondal and Jaxx are determined to become rich entrepreneurs. Unbeknownst to Jaxx; locked deep within Vondal’s mind are secrets…secrets many are willing to kill to discover.

When the newly discharged men cross paths with Mekiva, a beguiling young mage whose magic has become wild and difficult to control they discover her friend, a reclusive Shii Lakka healer is guarding a secret of her own. Forced to face the disturbing facts of his own past; Alex is pressured by his uncle to piece together the clues necessary to uncover the truth behind the family secret. A secret that is worth a fortune.

A random crossing of the weaver’s threads sends the four young travelers into a dangerous journey underground; through a land scoured bare by uncontrolled magic and ominous creatures. The search is beset with danger as two other groups of seekers join the hunt; each determined to locate the treasure by any means necessary.
And then there’s the sorceress Izabal…

Book 2 >>